Thursday, August 2, 2007

Hexadecimal Graffiti

I know it is not kid related per se, but the inner geek in me was intrigued by the following hexadecimal code written in the stall of a biology department bathroom. Intrigued I set out to decode it. I brought my camera to school, sat down on the toilet, and proceeded to take pictures of this art work. It took about three tries to get a clear picture, and it would be interesting to know if anyone saw the camera flashes in the hallway. Decoded, it simply states "Progress Sucks" . Clever, but it would have been much better if they used binary!

EDIT: Here's an ASCII Code chart:
ASCII CODE Chart. Hexadecimal is a base-8 number system, binary is base-2, and decimal is base-10. Each letter has a corresponding value, and upper case letters are different than lower case letters. These codes are standardized so that the value is the same on my computer as it is on your computer. Hope this clears it up!


Anonymous said...

You're going to have to give me more of a lesson than that, Amanda.

How do the letters relate to the numbers? And if the letter S corresponds with the number 73, they must have misspelled "sucks" - or it's a lot ruder!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I forgot to add, thank you very much for the link in your side bar. :)

Kid Tricks said...

Take a look at an ascii code chart:
ASCII CODE Chart. Hexadecimal is a base-8 number system, binary is base-2, and decimal is base-10. Each letter has a corresponding value, and upper case letters are different than lower case letters, hence the different values for the "S"'s. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Amanda. Coo - how much fun is that!

They don't have a code-breaker though. Boo-hoo.